Having additional income is great! 
But actually having the free-time to enjoy it is even better.

Work Empowered by Leverage!

How would you like to work in an industry that benefits from extreme leverage?

Most Wealthy entrepreneurs and millionaires carefully scrutinize and seek these types of leverage when considering their own economic livelihoods.

They are better known as “The Critical 5 Principles”

ALL 5 of these principles are represented in the industry that our Offices & Agents work in.  It is known as:

“The industry of Promoting & Marketing
various Business Opportunities & Money-Making Ideas.”

Our work is very much like that of Real Estate Agents or Real Estate Brokerages.

However, our agents are compensated a bit different because each of our interactions generates a repeating flow of income. This is a major difference, and a “game-changer” for us.

This perpetual income flow is known as “Continuity”.  but it is just 1 of the 5 principles that make our jobs lucrative and simplistic.

Unlocking Leverage

In today’s dynamic business landscape, leveraging oneself is crucial for more easily gaining personal and financial fulfillment. The Industry of Promoting Business Opportunities provides a unique avenue for individuals to create income streams while contributing to the success of others. Let’s explore how this industry can be a powerful lever for your financial well-being:

Our Agents are NOT “Salespeople”

We don’t make money via sales. Our Agents are not “salespeople”.
The selling of products and services for profit is an arduous process because it is not a LEVERAGEBLE activity.  Which means, it cannot be easily duplicated, unless there is a large outlay of payments to employees that can produce those sales, and deliver the product or service to the consumer.

Our Agents are Consultants who Foster Success!

Helping people is rewarding!  Both from a Financial standpoint & from a Humanistic standpoint

Rather than SELLING things to people, our agents, instead, help people to enrich their lives by helping them find security, happiness and even wealth.   We help individuals learn the difference between opportunities that are inherently riddled with limitations, compared to ones that offer a better chance of success and happiness for that individual.

Our agents are paid by the company(s) we help our clients connect to.  For as long as one of our clients is in business & generating an income for themselves, that pay continues on an ongoing and regular basis.

This is how our work has a “CONTINUITY” aspect to it.  And, This is why our agents are able to build residual, repeat, passive income streams,  while taking no money from the people we are counseling.

One interaction is not the “end of the line” for the income we produce. It keeps producing a return over and over, and over again.

How Many Income Streams Would You Like?

10 paychecks each month? How about 20 or 40 paychecks each month?

With our business model, the income streams our agents make can be limitless. There is no limitation on the number of new business entities our agents can help foster.

Each time an agent of ours helps someone new, they have created another personal income stream.  These income streams remain intact for the agent, for a long as their client remains in business.

This is where we are able to benefit from the other 4 Critical Principles. Delegation, Duplication, Quick growth, Sustainability without shouldering further commitments and obligations.

“Everybody knows that having more money is always advantageous, but having additional free-time is equally essential. It allows us to use that money to explore life’s precious moments.”

The purpose of leverage isn’t solely about making money, but more importantly on the simplicity and ease with which our people can earn it.

All of this is “fine & dandy”,…
But there is still one consideration that’s missing.

I’m sure it’s important for you to know, that whatever livelihood you decide to pursue, it’s crucial that there’s an audience that that wants what you have to offer. Without an interested audience, it can be challenging to succeed.

Not only is monetary structure important (the 5 principles), but the industry it operates in, needs to be relevant and sought after. Hopefully in abundance.

“Having a large and eager market is a positive sign. But having a market that never dissipates is where it’s at.”

This gives us the BONUS of being inherently Recession Proof!

Being recession-proof is a significant advantage. During economic downturns, industries that can forge right into the storm, tend to thrive.

Your work will always be relevant, and inherently recession proof.
Here’s why…

Since the beginning of time (and the internet), people have sought free enterprise.

  • For a whole host of reasons, millions of people everyday, search online and offline, for ways to make money on their own terms.
  • Moreover, consider how inflation is adversely affecting many people these days, and the insecurity surrounding social security.
  • Most individuals significantly underestimate the financial requirements for retirement, which is disheartening.
  • Furthermore, the stress of dealing with bosses, daily commutes, and all the dreaded Mondays can take a toll.
  • Amidst all this, we’re left with only a small amount of time to focus on ourselves and our loved ones.
There’s a silver lining for us, in all of this!
  • This situation creates an endless ‘sea’ of potential prospects who are willing to listen to our offers and hunger for what we promote and endorse.

In order to validate the preceding points, all one needs to do, is look within themselves:

What does “TIME Freedom” and “MONEY Freedom” mean to YOU?

Just ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Is the notion of working 5 days a week, 40+ hours every week, for the next 30-40 years, with only 2 “escape” days provided to you weekly, something that appeals to you?


  1. Does the thought of retiring with a reduced and fixed income, something you’re okay with?


  1. Is the general idea of retirement, something that fears & worries you, or is it something that excites you?


How do you think most people would also respond to these questions?

You’re not alone, you know.

“Our experiences continue to prove to us that there are millions of people who want more out of life, just like you!”

Now, you’ll have something valuable to offer these individuals.

And we’d like to consider working with you to help them get it.

Do you currently possess a plan towards getting more time and money freedom?

  • “What is that plan?”
  • “What is your current plan getting you?”
  • “What is the future of that plan?”
  • If you don’t have a plan,  you really should have one!
“Fortunately, the people in our organization, have found a good plan.”

Are you getting this?

Are you enlightened enough to, at least, explore a path towards getting more time & money freedoms?

More importantly, would you like help in gaining access to them with more ease?

If you have an interest in joining our office, contact the person who invited you here.
    • We’d like to know more about you.
    • Learn about the kind of money you’d be earning.
    • Meet a few people from our office.
    • Learn what it’s like to work with us.


Having additional income is great! 
But actually having the free-time to enjoy it is even better.